Every human settlement generates dirty laundry on a daily basis. A regular family household requires a washing machine with the capability to wash between 7.5-10kg of dirty laundry, but when there are hundreds of people generating hundreds of kilos of dirty laundry on a daily basis, a household 10kg appliance will just not cut it. You need an industrial sized machine to tackle the task at hand.
Industrial laundry machines that are designed for the hotel industry are the best option to wash and dry 50-100kg of laundry at each cycle. Mining operations require a battery of large scale laundry machinery to enable the workforce to have clean and fresh uniforms and personal clothing.
Only Reverse Osmosis treated water must be used for daily laundry activities and used water must be channeled to the Sewage/Effluent Treatment Plant to be neutralised of any harmful chemicals before being released into the environment.
It can then be reused for irrigation, gardening, car washing or dust suppression in the pit or on haul roads to reduce air borne dust particles.

50-100kg Washing Machine

75-150kg Tumble Dryer

Steam Pressing Machines